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July 06, 2004

Quick thoughts... I'm sure I'll have more later, if I can stomach it.

So John Kerry has picked John Edwards to be his veep nominee. What a team. In this ticket, we see two of the worst attendance records in the Senate. The most liberal senator and a done-nothing lightweight; one a tool of the NEA, the other a tool of the Trial Lawyers. [Tools... heheh.] What a mix. I'm glad I'll be voting against them.

No, I'll cheerfully vote against them. And as a two-fer, I get to vote for Bush/Cheney. Win/win.

Kerry trotted out the "Let America be America Again" line. What exactly is that supposed to mean?*

Ah, yes... the obligatory call for national healthcare.

Reliance on foreign oil... check. Say, Senator Kerry - you voted for ANWR, didn't you? No?

I never knew this, but apparently Kerry served in Vietnam.

Can't forget to mention the "Bush Lied!!!!" complaint. From Kerry, it sounds like he's complaining about hemorrhoids.

"Horseface and Prettyboy." Sounds like the name of a bad movie. Sounds like a worse ticket... for the Donks.

* Update: Ith of Absinthe & Cookies examined this very question a couple months ago. I should have remembered - I quoted her.

Posted by Russ at 09:41 AM, July 6, 2004 in Politics

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Edwards adds nothing but relief from snoozeville!

The Dems took an old, grey French Poodle, bought it a new collar, put a nice blaze orange vest on it and set it out in the wheat scrub - anyone but the liberals know that dog ain't gonna hunt!

Posted by: Joel (No Pundit Intended) at July 6, 2004 02:55 PM

"Kerry trotted out the "Let America be America Again" line. What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

I wondered that back in May. I think I decided America was a guy named Lewis.

Posted by: Ith at July 6, 2004 03:46 PM

The most liberal senator has teamed up with the fourth most liberal senator, both of whom were among the 12 senators who voted against the $287 million appropriation to continue to fund the operations in Iraq and to buy body armor.

That just what we need.

Posted by: Jim at July 7, 2004 07:19 AM

The most liberal senator has teamed up with the fourth most liberal senator

Which averages out to only the 2.5th most liberal senators. So hey, yeah, it DID pull the ticket more towards the center. By like, about 3 nanometers.

Posted by: Brian B at July 7, 2004 10:58 AM