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November 08, 2004
Just Keep Going

As a native-born Californian, now over four years on the lam since I departed, I see things like this and think how glad I am to have gotten out, how glad I am not to have to put up with all the idiots who thought California would be a good place to settle down.

I have long had a mental image of the Great Moonbat Migration of the latter half of the 20th century. It is as if the Atlantic coast of the country had been grasped by a giant hand, lifted, and shaken like a rug. All the human debris and detritus then slid down to the west coast and stopped when it hit the coast.

"Go west, young man," used to be the catchphrase for those who sought opportunity in a young and vital country; now it's just directions on where to go to get high.

My advice to the hippies, druggies, socialists, and other assorted idiots who came from around the country and ruined California: don't stop at the coast, just keep going west. About 500 miles further west.

Y'all could use a bath.

Posted by Russ at 07:26 AM, November 8, 2004 in Idiots

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