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December 07, 2005
Pearl Harbor, and a Lesson - 2005 Edition
Today is Pearl Harbor Day.
This is the battleship U.S.S. Arizona in the 1930s:

And this is the U.S.S. Arizona and 1177 of her crew today:

It would behoove our enemies — actual and potential — to realize that when the United States went to war after an unprovoked attack in 1941, it ended in fire.
America has a long memory.
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[This post is now officially an annual feature here. Never forget.]
Posted by Russ at 09:00 AM, December 7, 2005 in History
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Remembering Pearl Harbor from bRight & Early
It was sixty-four years ago today that the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor. I was still fourteen years away from grand entrance. My parents were both eight. One of the first full-length books I remember truely enjoying in grade school was ... [Read More]
Tracked on December 7, 2005 12:01 PM
Nice post, Russ. It is a lesson that the Left has not only forgotten, but makes "FDR Knew!" conspiracies about.
Posted by: William Teach at December 7, 2005 05:00 PM
"The Left"?
Gimme a break...
[And as for the "unprovoked" comment, not even FDR's own son believes that... And he worked for his father! ... But that's a topic for another time - like after Finals Week...]
Posted by: Aakash at December 12, 2005 10:56 PM
Good luck on those finals. Especially the History final - if you think we provoked the Japanese, you'll need all the luck you can get.
[Yes, I do in fact know a thing or two about History... all it takes is college and a lifetime of study.
Economic sanctions imposed in response to Japanese aggression and barbarism in China can hardly be called provocations... unless you're trying to absolve the Japanese for their behavior.]
Posted by: Russ at December 12, 2005 11:59 PM
Check out a funny site dedicated to the absurdity and satire nature of saying “It’s All George Bush’s Fault!"
I hope that you don't think this is spam. I really do think that you'd appreciate a site like this since we share the same idealogy.
Notta Libb
Posted by: Notta Libb at December 20, 2005 02:48 AM
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Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Pearl Harbor, and a Lesson - 2005 Edition:
Remembering Pearl Harbor from bRight & Early
It was sixty-four years ago today that the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor. I was still fourteen years away from grand entrance. My parents were both eight. One of the first full-length books I remember truely enjoying in grade school was ... [Read More]
Tracked on December 7, 2005 12:01 PM
Nice post, Russ. It is a lesson that the Left has not only forgotten, but makes "FDR Knew!" conspiracies about.
Posted by: William Teach
at December 7, 2005 05:00 PM
"The Left"?
Gimme a break...
[And as for the "unprovoked" comment, not even FDR's own son believes that... And he worked for his father! ... But that's a topic for another time - like after Finals Week...]
Posted by: Aakash at December 12, 2005 10:56 PM
Good luck on those finals. Especially the History final - if you think we provoked the Japanese, you'll need all the luck you can get.
[Yes, I do in fact know a thing or two about History... all it takes is college and a lifetime of study.
Economic sanctions imposed in response to Japanese aggression and barbarism in China can hardly be called provocations... unless you're trying to absolve the Japanese for their behavior.]
Posted by: Russ at December 12, 2005 11:59 PM
Check out a funny site dedicated to the absurdity and satire nature of saying “It’s All George Bush’s Fault!"
I hope that you don't think this is spam. I really do think that you'd appreciate a site like this since we share the same idealogy.
Notta Libb
Posted by: Notta Libb at December 20, 2005 02:48 AM