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May 17, 2006
2nd Shift

I have noticed a few good and bad things to being on the second/swing shift.

     Bad: Driving home at zero-drunk-thirty every morning.

     Good: No traffic.

     Bad: . . . except for all the deer crossing the road.
     Bad: Being called into the office for meetings before 3pm.

     Good: The boss isn't around to catch you sleeping under your desk.

     Bad: Being vacuumed by the janitorial staff.
     Bad: Never seeing the sun.

     Good: Pasty white skin was popular among ancient Chinese royalty.

     Bad: I'm not ancient Chinese royalty.

I'm sure there's more.

Posted by Russ at 07:23 PM, May 17, 2006 in Personal Stuff

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Never seeing the sun would kill me. Straight up kill me.

Posted by: legal lady at May 18, 2006 03:12 PM