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January 29, 2008

Physical therapy proceeds apace.

Yesterday's session was productive, though painful. My legs felt (yes, I can feel them!! Woohoo!!) like limp noodles when I'm all done. "No pain, no gain" might be a cliché, but it is so only because it is so often true.

The highlight of the day was when I took ten steps — albeit shakily — without the support of either crutches or a cane.

Plus, I drove myself there and back; I have enough control and strength in my right leg to do that. Which means I can now drive my Mom to the airport and send her let her go home.

I may still be using a cane for a long time, but only for balance, not to hold myself up. Not a bad result for spending the better part of a year's income on medical care.

When I had my taxes done (yes, I have already filed — jealous much?) it turned out that I'm getting almost all my withholding back. And because I delayed payment for the surgery until after the start of this year, I'll get to take that as a deduction a year hence. The refunds won't (not by a very long shot, believe me) make up for the huge cash outlay, but they take away a bit of the sting.

Posted by Russ at 01:57 PM, January 29, 2008 in Health

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I am so glad you're doing better. Still praying, though...

Posted by: Beth at January 30, 2008 04:24 PM

Hey Comrade, I've been hiding from the federal authorities (this is private, right?) and so haven't commented for a while, but this really is such fantastic news! I'm very happy for you; please chare my congratulations with your legs as well, muscle by muscle. Please.

Too bad for you that your mom had to take a reality break, but what invaluable help she offered for so long! You have a pretty great mom, I'd say. Your siblings--well, they're still works in progress, particularly that one. But your mom? Outstanding!

Yours from an undisclosed location now for multiple reasons,


Posted by: John at January 31, 2008 12:08 PM

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