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May 11, 2008
Mothers Day

A year ago, I was losing the ability to walk, and had resigned myself to having — at the minimum — an incurable disease (MS), and was trying to come to terms with possibly having one that would have been terminal (ALS).

I was rapidly becoming unable to take care of my home, my cat, and of myself. I could not drive, I couldn't do simple household chores, I could barely prepare meals for myself. I was on a medication regime that was having only the slightest positive effect, while the side effects were making life fairly miserable. (Maybe you've seen that asthma medication ad where the guy says "I couldn't take the steroids any more." Preach it, brother.)

I was facing the probable loss of home, career... everything. Into this breach stepped Mom.

Though my diagnosis ultimately shifted to something rather less severe than originally expected, I was nonetheless in a steep decline. But where I was unable to take care of myself, she gamely managed it all.

She drove me to doctor appointments.

She did the cooking. I've never in my life eaten so healthily.

She did the household chores.

She fed the cat.

She kept up with the neighborhood friends with whom I was unable to go out to chat.

When I was cranky and crabby after tests and surgery (just try not being a grouch after a spinal tap or having a hole drilled in your head) (on second thought, just take my word for it) she was understanding and patient.

When I fell, she was there to help me up.

In every sense including the literal, Mom was a life saver. No 45-year-old adult wants to be "taken care of by Mommy," but without her I probably wouldn't be able to tell the tale, or any tale.

Words are inadequate to tell how thankful I am for her.

Love ya, Mom.

Posted by Russ at 01:49 PM, May 11, 2008 in Personal Stuff

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What a great Mom you have. You are one fortunate guy.

Posted by: MJ at May 11, 2008 04:28 PM

You have a wonderfull mom! Not to negate what she did, but, she's a mother...it's what mothers do. Usually without thanks or even much notice at all. Bless you for noticing and saying thanks.

Posted by: Zippy, Sadie & Speedy at May 11, 2008 09:38 PM

Son - you did very well in the word department. Just so you know, I did what any mom would do for a child that was in your sort of situation. And, I still love ya!!! (more?)

Posted by: Mom at May 12, 2008 01:55 AM

I'm sorry for the late comment to your Mother's Day post. I haven't had enough time to read many blogs lately.

Your Mom sounds wonderful! Just so you know, you are not alone in having needed "Mommy" as an adult.

When I was 43 I was diagnosed with cancer for the 2nd time. My husband and I live approximately 2000 miles away from my parents and almost all other relatives from both sides of the family. We have no children and my husband was unable to take enough time off from work to spend 2 months with me in the "big city," 4 hours from our home, for my treatment.

My Mom came out and spent the entire 2 months with me. Mom cooked for me, drove me back and forth to the hospital during the week and home on the weekends, and talked with people who called for updates - none of which I could do for myself because of my reaction to the chemo and radiation.

My parents were apart for Christmas for the first time in 44 years of marriage. Both my husband and I are still extremely grateful for their sacrifice. We know we could not have handled everything by ourselves.


Posted by: Tiger Lily at May 19, 2008 10:24 PM

The old Dutch girl rocks, doesn't she?

Posted by: Brad at May 19, 2008 11:12 PM

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